Material Manager Material Nodes Individual Assets Material Granite Material
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D
Granite Material

Preview Basic Base Flakes Crystals Reflectance Variation


An unrealistic coloring for demonstration purposes: Yellow for Small Crystals Color, red for Large Crystals Color.

In the Crystals tab, additional Noise layers can be added: Granite is most often made up of small, dark inclusions with marbling in lighter rock. The Small Crystals Color setting is responsible for these inclusions and the Large Crystals Color setting is used to create a wide-ranging streaking coloring.

Small Crystals Color

Large Crystals Color

Use these settings to color the respective crystal types.

Small Crystals Opacity [0..100%]

Large Crystal Opacity [0..100%]

These settings are used to define the respective opacity for the crystal types. Small values will disable the respective effect, larger values will strengthen the effect correspondingly.