Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D
Scale Modeling Axis Object Axis Soft SelectionObject Axis
Per-Object Manipulation
If multiple objects are selected, each will rotate around its own object axis if this function is enabled. If disabled, all will rotate around the common selection axis.
This function’s options (when enabled) work as follows when in Object or Modeling mode:
- Move: Each object will be moved locally to their Parant objects (i.e. the bottom most object within a hierarchy will move the fastest).
- Scale: Objects will be scaled locally, i.e., each object will be scaled individually at its location.
- Rotation: If Gimballing Rotation is enabled and you drag a rotation band, all selected objects will rotate around their own rotation band. If Gimballing Rotation is disabled, all selected objects will rotate in the direction of the selected rotation band.