Cinema 4D Basic Features Create Menu Deformer object Squash & Stretch
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D
Squash and Stretch

Basic Coord. Object

Object Properties

Top [0..+∞m]

Use this setting to define the upper range limit of the effect. This value will always lie along Squash and Stretch Deformer’s positive Y axis.

Center [-100..100%]

If this value is set to 0% the center of the effect will lie exactly between the effect’s Top and Bottom limits. The effect’s center can be adjusted, in terms of percent, to a positive or negative range using the slider.

Bottom [-∞..0m]

Use this setting to define the lower range limit of the effect. This value will always lie along the Squash and Stretch Deformer’s negative Y axis.

Aspect [-∞..+∞%]

Use this slider to adjust the strength of the effect along the X and Y-axes. If set to 100%, the effect’s strength will be spread equally in both directions. If the value is reduced the strength of the effect will decrease correspondingly accordingly along the Z axis.

Factor [0..+∞%]

Use this setting to define the strength of the effect.

Expand [0..+∞%]

Use this setting to adjust the strength of the effect with respect to its center. The greater the value, the more a deformed object will narrow when stretched and the more it will widen when squashed.

Smooth Start [0..100%]
Smooth End [0..100%]

Use this setting to define how soft the distortion towards the top and bottom will be. Greater values will result in a more spherical shape towards the top and bottom of the deformed object. Lesser values will result in peaked ends.

Curvature [0..100%]

This setting gives you additional control over the effect along the Deformer’s Y axis. The greater the value, the more dominant the ends will be and the narrower the center will be when stretched.


Select the mathematical function to be used for deformation.


If this option is selected you can define the strength of the squash and stretch calculation via the Power setting.


If this option is selected you can create a profile for the deformation using the spline curve.

Power [0..+∞]

If Custom is selected in the Type menu you can manually define the strength for the squash and stretch calculation.


Use this spline to create your own profile for the deformation. Profile must be selected in the Type menu.

Fit to Parent

Clicking on this button will set the Deformer to the Parent object’s origin (see also here).