Cinema 4D Advanced Features MoGraph Effectors Volume
Function available in CINEMA 4D Broadcast, Studio

Basic Coord. Effector Parameter Deformer Falloff


Strength [-∞..+∞%]

Use this setting to adjust the overall strength of the effect. Values of less than 0% and greater than 100% can be entered.


At left a Step Effector without a selection, at right with a selection.

A MoGraph Selection or MoGraph Weightmap tag can be dragged into this field or placed automatically by selecting a Cloner Object and an existing MoGraph selection/weighting, and creating an Effector.

The Effector will then work as follows, depending on the tag’s settings:


Maximum [-∞..+∞%]
Minimum [-∞..+∞%]

Use these settings to increase or decrease internal range values.

Note also the Remapping settings for the Layers in the Field list. Use this Field functionality as your preferred method since it’s more powerful and easier to understand in combination with other Layers.

Volume Object

Drag a closed object from the Object Manager into this field. The object volume will define which Clones the Effector should affect.