Reference Cinema 4D Basic Features Mesh Menu Extrude
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D

Options Tool


Offset [-∞..+∞m]

Defines the length of the extrusion.

Offset Variation [0..+∞%]

Varies the length of the extrusion. This option is not available if Preserve Groups is enabled. The value you enter is subtracted from 100% to give the start of the variation range.

0% - No deviation from the selected offset value.

60% - All selected polygons are extruded between 40% and 100% of the Offset value.

100% - All selected polygons are extruded between 0% and 100% of the Offset value.

180% - All selected polygons are extruded between -80% and 100% of the Offset value.

Offset Variation 0% and 60%.

Subdivision [0..+∞]

Subdivision set to 0 (left) and 3 (right).

Defines the number of subdivisions along the extrusion.

Create N-gons

If this option is enabled, n-gons will be created along the length of the extrusion. Although you will not see edges along the length of the extrusion, the Subdivision setting is still applied internally.

Extruding Polygons

Create Caps

Enable this option to create a cap at the base of the extrusion. This gives you a quick way to create a closed volume.

Preserve Groups

If this option is enabled, the connected polygons will stay together during the extrusion, assuming they do not exceed the Maximum Angle relative to one another.

Preserve Groups enabled and disabled.

Maximum Angle [0..180°]

If Preserve Groups is enabled, polygons not exceeding this angle to each other are kept together. Polygons exceeding this angle are broken apart during extrusion.

Extruding edges

To extrude the edges interactively, drag the mouse (this changes the Offset value, i.e., the length of the extrusion).

With the mouse button still held down, you can Shift+drag to change the direction of the extrusion. If, at this point, you still keep the mouse button held down and release the Shift key and drag, you will change the Offset once more. So, by holding down or releasing the Shift key while you drag, you can change between adjusting the extrusion length and the extrusion direction.

Rotation [-∞..+∞°]

Here you can set the angle of the edge extrusion. You can also change the extrusion angle interactively in the viewport by holding down Shift during the extrusion.

Quantize Rotation
Angle [0..180°]

If Edge Snap is enabled, the extrusion angle will be constrained to the Angle setting. For example, to constrain the extrusion angle to steps of 45 degrees, enable the option and set Angle to 45°.

Extruding Points

Bevel [-∞..+∞m]
Bevel Variation [0..+∞%]

Before extrusion (left), after extrusion without the Shift key (center) and the base of the extrusion beveled with the Shift key held down and a value greater than 0 (right).

When extruding in point mode, the points will be extruded in the direction of the point Normals. The original points at the base of the extrusion will be beveled with a value of 0 initially. You can adjust the Bevel parameter interactively during the extrusion by holding down Shift while you drag.