The Commander


You can call up the Commander by pressing Shift+C or by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the top of the left palette on the CINEMA 4D interface.

Note:The Commander looks at first glance like a twin of the Asset Browser and in fact many things work similarly or even the same. However, in contrast to the Asset Browser, which explicitly lists only assets, the Commander also finds all the usual elements of Cinema 4D (objects, commands, tags, etc.), in short, everything that you will also find in the menus - including installed plug-ins. In addition, scripts, hot-key commands, etc. are also found.

The Commander lets you access commands, objects, tools, tags, scripts, as well as all assets without having to wade through managers and menus. Just enter the name or parts of it into the Commander and immediately all elements will be displayed (incl. existing keyboard shortcuts) to which the letter combination applies. You do not have to worry about upper or lower case, currently not executable elements are displayed grayed out. For some terms consisting of several words, they can be enclosed in quotation marks to find exactly this string (e.g., "Team Render" or type: "scene objects"). Also, to distinguish between "mode" and "model", for example, quotation marks are useful.

The Commander works context-dependent by default: for example, the hits are sorted depending on which manager - by the way, this is displayed in the window title bar - or mode is active.

Example: You search for "glass". If the commander was called up in the:

So the Commander tries to give you the most intelligent way to put the appropriate elements at the beginning of the hit list. In dong so, grayed-out elements, for example, will also tend to be positioned at the end of the list.

You can also define favorites (Heart icon), they would be listed higher in the list.

As a logical operator "|" ("or") works, i.e., if you enter cube|ball, all elements will be found to which "cube" or "ball" applies. Of course, there is also the "and" operator, but for this a simple blank is enough: cube ball finds elements to which both apply.

Interactive operation

The following can be done with the search hit list:

The different functions of the Commander

The Search Bar

Just type a name into the Search Bar and all matching elements will be listed sorted immediately. Small example:

The first hit is always selected and can be called up immediately by hitting the Return key. Otherwise, use the Up/Down cursor keys to jump to the last or first hit element.

For more details - including syntax - see the Asset Browser description under Search Line.

Via Ctrl + F you can jump to the Search Bar or show it at any time.

Additionally, in comparison to the Asset Browser there are the search operators.

The search operators just described - and many more (described at the Asset Browser) - can all be selected from a list that appears when you press the small button just to the right of the search input line.

The 2nd button next to the Search Bar lets you expand and collapse the Quick Filter:

This can be used to restrict hits to certain element types from the outset, which can then be further restricted with the following search line.

The first area, highlighted in red, shows various asset types, while the right highlight contains the following items normally housed in the Cinema 4D menus:

By the way, multiple selection is possible in the red areas.

By clicking the All button (2nd from left) a definable - see 'All' Includes - set of element types is allowed. If you make settings there that differ from the default, the tab is marked with an asterisk. This way you know that possibly only a fraction of all available elements will be displayed.

The first tab Auto is a kind of context filter concerning the currently active Manager. When the Commander is open, you can, for example, click in the Material Manager, which will display only materials, but if you click in the Object Manager, only regular objects and tags that can be placed in the Object Manager will be displayed.

The thumbtack on the far right has 2 states and affects the behavior of the Commander in the layout;

The hit list

The search terms entered in the Search Bar result in a hit list that works pretty much as already described for the Asset Browser. For this reason, we will not go into further detail here and refer to the asset list and downloading assets.

There a reference is always made to "assets", while here at the Commander "non-assets" like objects, tags etc. can also be found and called up.

If commands with options are listed in the Commander, the corresponding Cogwheel icon for calling up options will also be displayed so that you can make individual settings.

Likewise, the preset keyboard shortcuts are displayed for corresponding elements (e.g., commands).

Note:The ability to assign arbitrary keywords to proven Cinema 4D elements means that even old, renamed command names (e.g., Live Selection became Brush Selection) can be found. This works automatically with the English terms. For all other languages you would have to do it manually: give the brush selection the keyword 'Live selection'.

The context commands

Smart Search

All existing smart searches are listed here. When one is selected, the corresponding search operators - if provided - are inserted in the Search Bar.

'All' Includes

You will get a list here, which you can use to define which element types the All tab should display. You already know most of the list entries from the Quick Filter. Select here what the All tab should display.

You will also find the following here:

Reveal in category

This command is visible only for assets(Image, left red mark). The assets are all internally organized into categories/hierarchies.

For example, if you search for "pan", among other things, pans are actually listed here:

However, the category "Cookware", which may be of interest, is now also displayed for the pans. If you now want to display all cookware elements available there, call Reveal in category and pots, spoons, etc. will also be displayed.

Reveal in new Asset Browser

The command works similarly to the Reveal in category command just described, except that the object in question is displayed in a newly opening Asset Browser along with the category tree, which also lists the thematically related kitchen categories next to it, such as "Glassware". The Asset Browser gives you a little more overview - and more ways to manage assets.

Show details

Just like the Asset Browser, the Commander has a details pane that works in approximately the same way. Details can therefore be found described there in the details section.

For the Commander tabs Object, Tool and Other only a reduced info area is shown here, namely the tabs Info and Keywords, because the other functionalities do not make sense here. Primarily, the Commander detail area is used for assigning keywords to improve the search results for the above-mentioned elements of the 3 tabs (e.g., by using keywords to divide elements into groups that are suitable for you).

Example: You often start new scenes with three objects: a cube, a sphere, a ring. You could now assign the keyword "start1" to each of these 3 objects, for example. As soon as you then type "start1" in the Commander, exactly these 3 objects - and no other - will be shown to you (yes, of course this also works with a start file new.c4, but you can create as many different object collections as you like with the described method). Then select these objects and call Load to load them all into the Object Manager.

Show Help

For traditional objects - the elements contained in the menus of Cinema 4D - you can jump to the corresponding entry in the help here.