

This factor can be found at numerous locations throughout Cinema 4D when importing or exporting foreign formats. Therefore, don’t be surprised if the term ,export’ is used if this factor is seen in an import function (this factor is explained as a whole here).

This factor lets you scale files upon import/export, i.e., practically all relevant numerical values saved in the file or those to be saved will be multiplied by this factor and then saved - or interpreted when loaded.

The unit at the right in turn defines how upon

More information about units and scaling can be found in the Project Scale section.


Here you can define if UV coordinates should be imported from the Forger file.

Vertex Colors

Here you can define if vertex colors should be imported.

Polygon Groups

Polygon groups can be defined in Forger - similar to how the Polygon Selection tag is defined in Cinema 4D. Enable this option if these should be displayed or modified in Cinema 4D

The imported object will then have a Polygon Group tag in which the groups are saved. This tag works like the ZBrush Polygon Group tag.


Simple materials can be created and assigned in Forger. Enable this option of these should be assumed in Cinema 4D. A Node Material with the respective settings will then be created in a Forger Node.

The following applies to the Standard/Physical Renderer: Since the material property values cannot be interpreted unambiguously - different programs, each with their own setting interpretations and material models, work differently from what you are used to in Cinema 4D - you have to make sure that the values and textures supplied by the Node are properly connected with the BSDF/Material Node (Standard/Physical Renderer).

When imported as a Redshift material, interconnected Nodes are created immediately.

If the file is re-imported, the Forger Node will be updated but existing links will be maintained.

It is, however, recommended to create the final material in the end application to prevent any loss of data during exchange.

Replace Existing

If you switch back-and-forth between Cinema 4D and Forger and load a file from Forger that is already open in Cinema 4D, Cinema 4D will recognize identical objects and will only update these (incl. properties such as polygon groups, vertex colors, materials, etc.).

This can fail if you previously exported from Cinema 4D with the Connect With Children option was enabled, which can cause objects to be combined.