Cinema 4D Program Documentation Reference Cinema 4D Basic Features Character Menu
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D


Options Symmetry Display


The weight tool offers a wealth of powerful new functions that reach far beyond the task of painting weights.

The weight tool allows you to paint detailed weighting for objects that are assigned to Weight tags on the Joints tab. As mentioned in the Weight tag section, this works for any type of object. But for the sake of simplicity, the following text focuses on painting weights for joint objects.

The Weight tool can be accessed quickly by double-clicking on the Weight tag.

The Joint list is not accessible from the Weight Tool, but you can quickly select joint influences by right-clicking with the Weight Tool selected over the desired vertex or joint in the viewport (a short list will be displayed) and select either the joint influencing that vertex or the joint directly. If you wish to add to or remove joints from your current selection using this method, right-click the joint you wish to select/deselect first, then hold the Ctrl/Cmd (to substract) or Shift (to add) key before confirming your selection/deselection by left clicking the joint in the dropdown list.

This selection method is also available when using any tool, when the Weight Manager is opened.

You can also select joints directly within the hierarchy or the Weight Manager.