Reference Cinema 4D Basic Features Character Menu Weight
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D

Options Symmetry Display



Display Weighting

Allows you to disable weights shading in the viewport.

Draw Falloff

Draws a preview under the cursor for the Falloff. As described further below, you can also change the color for this preview.

Draw Outline

Draws a circle around the cursor to indicate the current Radius for the weight tool. As described further below, you can also change the cursor’s color.

Falloff While Painting

Defines whether the falloff preview is shown while painting.


Cursor Color

Defines the color of the weight tool’s cursor. As previously mentioned, the cursor is displayed as a circle provided Draw Outline is enabled.

Falloff Color

Defines the color used to display the falloff when Draw Falloff is enabled.

Erase Color

Defines the color used to display the preview for weighting that will be erased. This is regardless of whether you are using the Erase mode directly or if you are holding down Ctrl/Cmd in the Add or Abs mode. The preview will only appear if Draw Outline or Draw Falloff or both are enabled on the Display tab.