Basic Features XPresso XPresso Nodes General Object Node
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D
Object Operator

Basic Node Parameter

Node Properties


Drag & drop object, tag or material into this box to define which element the node references.

Reference Mode

Defines whether the reference is absolute, relative or based on a starting position.

Use Start Position

To reference an element relative to the object that owns the XPresso tag, use either this mode or the more advanced Relative Reference mode. For example, to reference the element that is three positions before the object that owns the tag, set Reference Mode to Use Start Position, set Start Position to Predecessor On This Level and set Start Distance to 3. The Use Start Position mode also enables you to reference the first or last object in the scene.

Absolute Reference

This is the default mode. The node references the object that is shown in the Reference box. If you want to use the expression in several places in your scene, avoid using the Absolute Reference mode, otherwise you will need to change the referencing of the objects each time.

Relative Reference

This mode is similar to Use Start Position. It enables you to reference an element relative to the object that owns the XPresso tag. Unlike the Use Start Position mode, you enter a path that gives the node instructions on how to reach the element. The starting position is the object that owns the tag. For example, the path UPPDN stands for Up, Previous, Previous, Down, Next, where Previous and Next represent a jump to the previous or next element on the same hierarchical level. Up and Down represent jumps one level up or one level down the hierarchy. The advantage of a relative reference is that it enables you to transfer the Object node from one hierarchy to another without problems. Edit the path using the Path box.

These paths are entered into the Path field.

Start Position [-2147483648..2147483647]

This defines the Start Position when Reference Mode is set to Use Start Position. The setting is relative to the object that owns the XPresso tag. For example, if you set Start Position to First In This Level, the node references the first element on the same hierarchical level as the object that owns the tag.

Start Distance [1..2147483647]

With some Start Position modes, you might want to jump several steps in the hierarchy in one go. In such cases, use Start Distance as a multiplier for the Start Position. For example, to reference an object that is three positions after the object that owns the XPresso tag, set Start Position to Successor On This Level and set Start Distance to 3.


This box is available only when Relative Mode is set to Relative Reference. Use the box to enter the path for the relative reference. For example, the path UPPDN stands for Up, Previous, Previous, Down, Next, where Previous and Next represent a jump to the previous or next element on the same hierarchical level. See alsoReference Mode, above.

History Depth [1..2147483647]

The Object node gives you access to all of the element’s parameters via ports. Choose the desired ports from the node’s inputs menu and outputs menu (the blue and red squares). For example, you can use an Object node to output an object’s global matrix, velocity, position, scale or rotation.

In addition, you can access the object’s previous states via ports such as Previous Global Matrix. The History Depth value determines how many previous states the node stores. To recall a previous state, add a History Level port to the node via the inputs menu and, in the Attribute Manager, enter a number for how many states back you want to go. For example, a value of 3 retrieves the third last state.