Material Manager Material Nodes Individual Assets Math Sample Noise
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D
Sample Noise

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A vector can be linked here with which you can select a sample position within the noise pattern. Of course color values can also be used. If the 2D Value option is enabled, only the vector’s first two components will be read out and therefore only a 2D version of the selected noise pattern will be used.


The calculation of the noise pattern is based primarily on the Seed value. If you want to add variation to the pattern during animation you can, for example, link a Time Node here. Multiplying the time can speed up the animation of the noise pattern as desired.

Scale [-∞..+∞]

This is the scaling factor for the noise pattern’s structure. The larger the value, the smaller and finer the pattern will be.

2D value

If this option is enabled, only the X and Y components of the Value input will be read out. This results in the noise pattern’s depth component being ignored.

Noise Type

Here you can select from a list of available noise patterns. These structures are also used in identical form by the Noise Material Node and the standard material system’s Noise shader.

Octaves [0..20]

Use this setting to control the noise structure’s level of detail. Larger values will create correspondingly more variations in the pattern.

Absolute Value

By default, positive and negative values are ascertained when a pattern is calculated. This potion can be used to only use positive values, which will result in an inversion of previously negative regions within the structure.

Seed [-∞..+∞]

This is the numeric value on which the pattern’s calculation is based. Modifying this value will modify the variation of the selected pattern type accordingly.

Lacunarity [0.1..10]

This setting is available for several Noise Types and controls the density of detail in the gaps between the fractals. Generally speaking, the density of information between the structures decreases with decreasing values.

Gain [0.1..4]

This setting can be used for several Noise Types to smooth the transition between brightness and the structure. Larger Gain values produce a correspondingly more blurred result with less detail.

Exponent [0.1..5]

This value is available for the following Noise Types: Displaced Voronoi, Voronoi 1, Voronoi 2 and Voronoi 3 and primarily affects the contrast within the Voronoi structure.