Cinema 4D Basic Features Create Menu Deformer object Spline Rail
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D
Spline Rail

Basic Coord. Object

Object Properties

Create 1, 2 or 4 splines to form the target shape. The splines must be arranged in a particular way relative to a reference object, which can be the Spline Rail object itself or any other object in the scene.

Z Spline Left
Z Spline Right

These splines should lie on the XZ plane of the reference object (if you do not specifically assign a reference object, the Spline Rail deformer acts as the reference object). As a rule of thumb, the splines should lie in the same viewport as the reference object’s XZ plane. The splines should lie as parallel as possible to the Z axis and point in the same direction. One of the splines should be to the left of the other. Drag & drop the name of the left spline from the Object Manager into the Z Spline Left box. Drag & drop the name of the right spline into the Z Spline Right box.

The deformation is directional. The splines should start at the -Z axis direction of the reference object and end toward the +Z axis direction of the reference object.

X Spline Top
X Spline Bottom

These splines should also lie on the XZ plane of the reference object and should be as parallel as possible to the X axis. One of the splines should be above the other and the splines should point in the same direction as the reference object’s X axis or Z axis. Drag & drop the names of the splines from the Object Manager into the appropriate boxes.


The reference object’s Z axis defines the direction of the Spline Rail deformation. You can use any object as the reference — Drag & drop the name of the desired object from the Object Manager into the Reference box. If you leave the Reference box empty, the Spline Rail itself is used as the reference object.


There are three modes for Spline Rail deformation: Limited, Within Box and Unlimited.


Polygons within the cyan box are fitted to the splines. All other polygons are cut off.

Within Box

Polygons within the cyan box are fitted to the splines. Surfaces outside the box remain exactly where they are (they are unaffected).


The entire object is deformed. Polygons between the splines are fitted to the splines. Polygons before or after the splines take the size of the opening.

Size [XYZ m]

Defines the size of the Spline Rail object. The object being deformed must be fully inside the Spline Rail object if you want the polygons to fit the splines completely.

Scale Before Start [-∞..+∞%]
Scale After End [-∞..+∞%]

When Mode is set to Unlimited, the deformation also affects polygons that are outside the cyan box. Use these two parameters to control the scale of the deformation outside the box.