Reference Cinema 4D Basic Features Mesh Menu Clone
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D

Options Tool


Clones [1..1000]

Defines the number of clones along the selected object axis. Offset, Scale and Rotation specify the parameters for the final clone. The intermediate clones use interpolated values.

Offset [-∞..+∞m]

Gives the distance from the start element to the last clone along the selected object axis. All intermediate clones are distributed evenly over this distance.

Holes [0..100%]

With this percentage value you can define the number of cloned elements that you want to be omitted from the total. With 0% the full number of clones is created. With 50% only half will be created. The omitted elements are randomly selected. With 100% no new elements at all will be created.

Scale [0..100%]

This parameter enables you to scale the clones. The scale of the clones will increase gradually all the way to the last clone. Enter the size of the final clone as a percentage of the start element’s size. For example, if you enter a vaue of 50%, the last clone will be half as large as the initial clone. A value of 100% will not modify the size of subsequent clones.


Defines the object axis about which the clones are to be rotated. For example, to create a spiral staircase, set Axis to Y.

Rotation [-∞..+∞°]

Defines the angle through which the clones are rotated. With 180° the object would rotate half a revolution from start to finish; with 360° a full rotation is made.

Move Var. [XYZ m]

By default, all clones are assigned a fixed position that depends on the above settings. You may vary these positions using Move Variation. For example, if you set the Move Variation value for Y to 10, each clone can deviate from -10 to 10 units in their Y position.

Scale Var. [%]

Defines the variation in the size of the clones as a percentage.

At 100% the size is not varied. Entering 50% for the X value means that the X size of the individual elements can vary between 50% and 100%.

With 0% the size varies between 0% and 100%. If you enter 200% then the value will vary between 100% and 200%.

Rot. Var. [HPB °]

Each element is assigned its own virtual axis. The element may then be rotated randomly around its axis with the value entered here. The value, in degrees, that you enter for each rotation axis defines the maximum positive and negative rotation about the appropriate axis. 45° would indicate that the clones can vary in their radial rotation from -45° to 45° at each clone.

Uniform Scale

If this option is enabled, the percentages entered for X, Y and Z are used for relative scaling. For example, with Uniform Scale enabled, X set to 200%, Y to 100% and Z to 50%, the ratio of scaling is 2:1:0.5; the individual elements can then be scaled only according to this ratio. If this option is disabled, the axes of the individual elements can be varied in scale independently.