The material preview in the Material Editor, Attribute Manager and Node Editor is (almost) freely configurable. You can make all the relevant settings here.
Defines the size of the material preview in the Material Editor/Attribute Manager or Node Editor.
Defines the scene that is displayed as a preview for the shader preview (see also material preview).
Defines the scene that is displayed as a preview for the material preview (see also material preview).
As the material preview can also be animated (see also Material Preview), set the frame rate at which the animation is to be played here.
Preview Length (sec)[0..2147483647]
Here you define the length of the (looping) animated material preview.
Set the size of the two previews (Node and material) in the Attribute Manager of the Node Editor (Preview tab).
Here you can define the scene that is to be used for the Node materials in the Node Editor (Basic tab).
Set here for the Material Manager which material should be created when you create a new material (see also New Default Material) create.
- Auto: a material is created to match the set renderer. For example, a physical material is created with the physical renderer or an RS standard material with Redshift.
- Standard: a material with activated color channel and "old-fashioned" reflectivity channel settings.
- Physical: a material that functions physically correctly via its reflectivity channel.
- About: a material based on Nodes with numerous material channels.
- Node: an empty material based on Nodes.
- Sketch: a Sketch material.
- Hair: a Hair material.