Advanced Features ProRender ProRender Nodes Context Nodes Get ContextOutputs
Here you will find the material’s current projection on the surface and its UV coordinates.
Here, the position of the currently rendered location on the surface is output in global coordinates.
This is the final Normal direction at the currently rendered point, as it results from the evaluation of the Normal Map and the Phong or Normal tag.
Here you will find the initial Normal direction, as it results from the polygon’s position.
This is the standardized direction from which the render ray reaches the currently rendered point.
This is the currently sampled surface position in the local coordinates of the rendered object.
These are the local surface Normals at the currently sampled position on the surface.
If the rendered object is a render instance or a multi-instance, the sample position in accordance with the global position on the original object will be output here.
If the rendered object is a render instance or a multi-instance, the sample position in accordance with the global Normals on the original object will be output here.
Here, the global position of the currently rendered object will be output.
Each rendered object is assigned a random color, which is output here.
An individual color value that can be assigned via a Compositing tag (ProRender tab).
Each object in the scene is assigned a unique number that can be queried here.
Each material has a unique number in Cinema 4D that can be queried here.
All of a polygon’s objects are numbered sequentially. Here you can query the number of the polygon currently being sampled.
Ray Depth [-2147483648..2147483647]
Here the current sample depth of the sample’s calculation is output.