Reference Cinema 4D Basic Features Character Menu Weight Manager
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D
Weight Manager

Commands Joints Weights Auto Weight Options Display


Display Weighting

Enables or disables the Weighting display in the Viewport.

This option only works if a tool other than the Weighting tool is selected. Otherwise the Weighting tool’s Preview option will be responsible for the display.

Draw All Joints

Enable this option if you want to display all weighting for all joints that belong to the same Weight tag as the active joint.


Enable this option if the affect of Falloff objects that are assigned to the active joint should also be displayed. More information about Falloff objects and their assignment to joints can be found in the Falloff Objects chapter.


Here you can define if the points of the mesh should be displayed with the weighting (generally useful if no mesh is selected).

Mouse HUD

The Mouse HUD is very useful for fine-tuning weighting. This preview option displays information about the point which currently lied beneath the cursor. First, the name of the object to which the point belongs; then the point’s buffer number followed by the overall strength with which the point is weighted for all joints. Below this, each point, including weighting, is listed that is affected by this point.

Highlight Unnormalized

This option marks all cells with a total weighting not equal to 100% (the normalized weightings) in red.

HUD Mode

Defines what information will be displayed in the mouse HUD.


Will display the current weight information for the selected Joint on the second row of the Mouse HUD.


Will display all the Joints affecting the point, listed in the same order as in the Joints list. For example, if three Joints affect the same point, they will be listed when hovering over that point with the cursor, and their respective weighting values will be shown.

 Surface Colors

Weight Color

Defines how the selected joints' weights are displayed. The following modes are available:


Displays each selected joint's weight using the color defined on the joint's Basic Properties tab under Display Color. This allows you to choose your own custom color for each joint's weighting.

This option is especially useful when you want to edit a joint’s weighting on several objects at the same time. This is because when a joint is assigned to a Weight tag, it is given a random color. So in the case of a joint being assigned to several Weight tags, the joint is likely to have a different color for its weights in each Weight tag. Using the Object mode allows you to specify one custom color for all the joint’s weights.

Also, if you choose custom colors for the various joints, this can make it easier to tell in the viewport, which weights belong to which joints. Zero weights are displayed using the color defined by the Zero field.


The weighting (incl. Null weighting) of each selected joint will be displayed according to the Gradient defined. Weight colors defined elsewhere will be ignored. Use the default black-to-white gradient to display the weighting with maximum contrast.


The weighting of all selected joints will be displayed in the color that was assigned to the joint when the Weight tag was assigned. Null weighting adheres to the color defined for Null.


Displays each selected joint's weight using the Custom Color gradient, including zero weights. Colors defined elsewhere for the weights are ignored.

Use the default black to white gradient to view the weights in maximum contrast.


Displays each selected joint's weight using the color the joint was given automatically when assigned to the Weight tag. Zero weights are displayed using the color defined by Zero.

Weight Min [0..100%]

This value allows you to shift the lower part of the gradient for the selected joints' weights. For example, if you enter a value of 50%, all points with 50% or less weighting will be displayed as if they had 0% weighting.

So why is this useful? Suppose you want to edit weights that are in the region 90% to 100%. Although the black to white gradient provides good contrast, there is not much of a difference to be seen between weights in the range of 90% to 100%. However, if you move the Weight Min value up to 90%, the gradient’s full range is used to cover the region between 90% and 100% weighting, making it much easier to see the differences in weight.

Max [0..100%]

This value works the same as Weight Min except that it shifts the gradient's upper region. For example, you can change both values to use the gradient’s full range to display weights between 60% and 70%.

Fade [0..100%]

This parameter is only available if Draw All Joints is enabled. It defines the strength of the color blended in for the weights of unselected joints. A value of 0% means the weights for unselected joints are not displayed at all. A value of 100% blends the weights in fully as if the joints were selected. Use this option to increase or decrease the contrast compared to your selection, making it more or less obvious when all weights are displayed.


Defines the color used to display zero weighting in the modes Object and Multi. In Single mode, the lower end of the gradient (left side) will be used when a point has zero weighting.

Custom Color

This gradient is only available if Weight Color is set to Single. Here you can choose your own custom gradient for coloring the weights.

Often, the default black to white gradient is sufficient because it provides the greatest contrast. However, you can also use this gradient in a similar way to the Weight Min and WeightMax values, to apply the full range to a small region of weight values. Or, for example, you could use the gradient to display all weights at 30% in orange and all other weights in blue.

 Joint Colors

Selected Color

Use this option to highlight selected and Bones. This lets you distinguish joint selections at a glance without having to switch tools or select them in the Object Manager.


Selected Joints will not be highlighted.


If Weight Color is set to Multi, all selected Joints will be assigned the same weight color assigned to them in the Joints list. If the Weight Color is set to Object, then the custom color will be used to highlight selected joints. If Weight Color is set to Single, the selected joints will be highlighted based on the color representing 100% weighting in the gradient (right-most color knot of the gradient).



The defined custom color will be used to highlight all selected joints.

 HUD Colors

This section is used to change the aspect of the HUD bubble that appears when hovering over a point using the Weight Tool, or any other tool when the Weight Manager is open. The HUD will only be displayed if the Mouse HUD option is enabled.

Alpha [0..100%]

Sets the transparency of the HUD.


Defines the background color of the HUD. Note that since the text is always white, the HUD background color cannot be set to a full white and will be assigned a light grey color instead, to keep it legible.