Material Manager Material Nodes Individual Assets Material Uber Material
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D
Uber Material

Preview Basic Channels Diffuse Reflection Coating Emission Transparency Opacity Bump Normal Displacement


Contrary to a manipulation using the Bump or Normal effect, the Displacement effect actually does affect the object’s geometry. To make the effect convincing, the object should have a uniform subdivision. If too few subdivisions exist, Sub-Polygon Displacement can be used to further subdivide the object.

Contrary to the Bump and Normal effects, the Displacement effect will actually modify the object’s surface. Existing surface points will be offset during rendering. You can optionally add subdivisions to the surfaces for rendering to make the effect less dependent on the object’s polygon density.


Here you can link the texture or the Material Node that should be used for the deformation. Grayscales or colored textures or Nodes can be used.


This setting defines the method with which the displacement should be calculated. Depending on whether a grayscale or color texture is used for Value, different methods will be made available:

Strength [-∞00..+∞00%]

Multiplier for the displacement’s intensity

Displacement Height [-∞..+∞m]

This setting defines the distance the displacement will travel. The Displacement Height will be multiplied by the Strength to create the actual effect.

Sub-Polygon Displacement
Round Geometry

Activates the additional subdivision of the rendered surfaces. This applies for the entire object to which the material is assigned. It can therefore be a good idea to delete object elements that are not visible since these will then not need to be subdivided. The subdivision can also be used to round off the object if Round Geometry is enabled. The effect is then identical to making the object a Child object of a Subdivision Surface object only that the subdivision will first be visible when the object is rendered.

Subdivision Level [1..10]

This setting can be used to define the number of subdivisions generated by Sub-Polygon Displacement. As usual, the greater the number of subdivisions, the better the result will be and the longer rendering will take – and the more memory that will be required for rendering.

Note that this value can differ depending on the object in question. For example, if you apply the same material to a cube primitive and a Plane object, the results will differ since the default cube only had six polygons and the Plane object has 400.

The same applies to an object that has different subdivisions. A character, for example, will have many more polygons in its face than in its thigh. Nevertheless, the all surfaces will be subdivided equally.

Internally, the following polygon count will be calculated per polygon:

For a subdivision of 8, for example, the following polygon count would be generated for rendering:

Cube: 6*256*256 = 393.216 Polygons

Plane: 400*256*256 = 26.214.400 Polygons

Always make sure the textured object’s polygon density is as uniform as possible so the Displacement effect can be applied as uniformly as possible.