Defines the color of the gaps (mortar) between bricks.
A texture can be loaded here to be used in addition to or in place of the Gap Color. Various blend modes can be used to lay the texture over the gap gradient color.
Texture Details
Use this value to scale the texture’s size. Values less than 100% will tile the texture (bitmaps will be mirrored at their respective edges).
Rotates the texture 90° and subsequently mirrors it horizontally.
Use this value to define how strongly the texture and color gradient should be combined (details about Blend Modes).
Noise can also be applied to the gap color. Use this value to define the scale of the Noise. Larger values result in correspondingly finer Noise.
Use this value to smooth the brick edge. The protruding edge will basically be rounded. If you use the Shader in the Bump or Displacement channel, you should use larger values than the default value.
Defines the width of the gaps between bricks.
This setting can be used to darken areas of grout. Positive values will darken the edges, negative values will darken the center region (the latter also results in a more pronounced bump or displacement effect). This offers a more realistic effect that also lends more depth to the texture.
Larger values result in correspondingly irregularly sized bricks that look broken and have irregularly sized gaps.
Defines the dispersion of variation. Small values result in correspondingly greater variation on the same surface.